AVENTURESCENCE : a·ven·tu·res·cence (ə-vĕn′chə-rĕs′əns) 

n. an optical reflectance effect seen in certain translucent minerals, caused by the presence of tiny, aligned inclusions of other minerals and manifesting itself as brightly colored reflections

Through glass, the body, and alternative textile practices my work examines the transience of identity; specifically in the universal search for emotional and physical comfort in one’s definition of self. I am interested in the material qualities and limitations of glass, including luminosity, flexibility, and fragility; and the ways in which these can be expressed and communicated through the body. My work references my sense of self through the physical body and the abstraction of the body through representation of our largest and most sensitive organ - our skin.

Skin is our body’s interactive membrane - permeable, manipulable, soft. I combine fused glass and high grade silicone to create glass textiles and flexible glass objects. These objects and textiles parallel skin, and communicate with the body through object, performance, and the consequent documentation of performance. Often these objects are interacted through the ordinary action of touch. Touch; glass with the whole body, glass with the hands of the performer, glass with the hands of the viewer. By using my body as an affected material in performance, the activated touch has the ability to elicit a visceral response; relatable and transferable. 

My work also includes the use of alternative glass materials like reflective glass beads typically used for industrial purposes to mark areas of roads to not enter. This material speaks to places of safety; places where one can be alone. I use these beads to create places of comfort where self transience occurs. Places where physical and emotional struggle occur but result in growth and change. These objects reference and interact with the body to challenge ideas of comfort and perception.